It is our privilege and pleasure to invite you to attend the Sixth Edition of International Conference on Analytical and Nanoanalytical Methods for Biomedical and Environmental Sciences “IC-ANMBES 2022", which covers different aspects presented in the frame of two main themes of Analytical and Nanoanalytical Methods for:
- Biomedical Applications
- Environment and Food Safety Applications

The conference is designed as an international forum for an effective exchange of knowledge and experience among researchers, from all over the world, active in various theoretical and applied areas of biophysics, biochemistry, medicine, bioengineering, environmental protection, and food safety.
Held at Brașov, Romania, during 8-10 June 2022
Topics will cover classical and modern aspects in biomedicine and environmental sciences, but are not limited to, the following:
Biophysical methods for protein science
Interfaces and biosensing
Biomembranes and model membranes
Molecular and cellular electric/magnetic field effects
Atomic and nuclear analytical methods
Novel materials and biomaterials
Food production and authentication
Innovation in Environmental Monitoring
Early diagnosis and precision medicine
Clinical diagnosis and therapy
Poster Awards. Outstanding posters will be selected for the Poster Awards during the poster presentations. Winning posters will be awarded in the closing ceremony of the Conference.
Travel Awards for Ph.D. students and postdoctoral fellows working in the EU area (non-Romanian) are available.
Travel Awards for Romanian Ph.D. students and postdoctoral fellows are available.
We hope that this conference will represent an ideal opportunity for you to stay abreast of the latest developments in those areas of research, to present and discuss the most important scientific problems during the scientific sessions, as well as to meet old friends and make new ones.
We would be extremely grateful if you could display this document in your laboratory and forward it to your collaborators.
For Registration, please access:
Important note: The abstracts submission deadline is 23rd April, the final deadline for paying the conference fee is 15 May 2022. No abstracts will be included in the Conference’s Book of Abstracts unless the registration fee is paid by 15 May 2022.

Cancellation policy
Policy for cancellation
Confirmed registrants canceling after May 15th, 2020, will lose their entire registration fees. Cancellation before May 15th, 2020 will allow 50% refund of the registration fee.